Water You Waiting for? Time to Lay Some Pipe!

Plumbing is an essential aspect of everyday needs in your home. Any issue involving your main water line can jeopardize your ability to access clean, fresh water in your home. While many signs indicate that your main water line may need to be replaced, consider these four important signs of trouble with your water line.

Accumulation of Excess Water in Your Yard

Because the water line entering your home is located in the ground, leaks will automatically seep into the dirt and surface as murky, excess water. Not only is this seeping unsightly, but it will eventually develop into soggy puddles around various parts of your property.

Irregular or Weak Water Pressure

Issues with your main water line will typically affect the water pressure in your home. Low water pressure is exceptionally noticeable when you take a shower, use the sink, or use multiple water sources in your home at the same time.  These faucets will most likely have low water pressure when there is an issue with the main water line, and this issue can become bothersome for everyone in your home over time.

High Water Bill

A spike in your monthly water bill could also indicate trouble with your main water line. A higher-than-usual water bill may be indicative of a leak that you may be unaware of at the time.

Murky Water from Faucets

A failing water line may also be caused by corrosion. Corrosion in your waterline can be seen through a discoloration of water in and around your home caused by rust moving through the water. The discoloration would be visible in the flow of both hot and cold water from various faucets inside of your home.

Experience the Metcalf Plumbing Difference

Metcalf Plumbing is a customer-focused plumbing contractor serving residential and commercial clients throughout the Baltimore and Howard County areas. From water heater installation, sump pump installation and repair to water and sewer line replacement, Metcalf Plumbing is a trusted resource to call on when you need help with the plumbing in your home. We are not commission-based and we provide honest, upfront costs with a thorough inspection of your system and suggested next steps. Our trained, licensed, and insured technicians are standing by to provide quality comfort at competitive prices. You can call us at 410-242-311 or book online!


The Essential Guide to Sump Pumps