3 Parts That May be to Blame for a Running Toilet

running toiletDoes your toilet regularly make a trickling or whooshing sound? If it sounds like your toilet is running, do not ignore the problem. Running toilets are not only annoying, but they can also waste water and add to your water bill. If you notice a running toilet, you should contact your local plumbing professionals immediately. There are many parts of a toilet that work together to make it function, and any one of them could be causing your toilet to run. Here are three potential culprits of a running toilet that your plumbing professional may have to repair or replace to restore your toilet’s function.

1. Float

Your toilet’s float is the balloon-shaped device floating in the tank. The purpose of the float is to detect when the tank is full of water, but sometimes it can malfunction. When it is working improperly, the float will not register that the tank is already full. A plumber can recalibrate the float so that it sits at the right height and will keep your toilet from running.

2. Flapper

The flapper, also called a flush valve seal, is what keeps water held back in the tank for the next time you flush. A flapper must have a good seal in order to keep water from leaking out of the tank. Flappers can warp, break, or deteriorate over time. Your plumbing professional may find that the flapper is the cause of your running toilet. If this is the case, repair should be relatively quick. The valve that is beneath the flapper can also deteriorate. While some plumbing novices can perform other household maintenance, replacing an entire valve is not easy and should be done by a professional.

3. Flapper Chain

Your toilet’s flapper chain is connected to the flapper, and it plays a surprisingly vital role. Your flapper chain must not only be intact, but it must also be carefully calibrated to fit your toilet. If your toilet’s flapper chain is the wrong size or if it is tangled or broken, your flapper may not close entirely, causing a running toilet. Your local plumbing expert will be able to see if your flapper chain is causing your running toilet and if it needs to be adjusted or replaced.

Experience the Metcalf Plumbing Difference

Metcalf Plumbing is a customer-focused plumbing contractor serving residential and commercial clients throughout the Catonsville, Ellicott City and surrounding areas. From water heater installation, sump pump installation and repair to water and sewer line replacement, Metcalf Plumbing is a trusted resource to call on when you need help with your plumbing services. We are not commission-based and we provide honest, upfront costs with a thorough inspection of your system and suggested next steps. Our trained and courteous technicians are standing by to provide quality comfort at competitive prices. You can call us at 410-242-311 and don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter!


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